@UIDC_UG @Opiaiya @KCCASpox @CanaryMugume @KCCAUG @GenWamala @KCCAED @PoliceUg @KagutaMuseveni @PeterKaujju @dluyimbazi @imutenyo @UIPE_Uganda @AirQoProject Investing in cycling has social economic benefits: reduced carbon, air and noise pollution, improved public health and less congestion. Cycling brings benefits to everyone in a city, whether or not they get on a bike.
@HamsonObua @KagutaMuseveni @NRMOnline @Parliament_Ug @AnitahAmong @Thomas_Tayebwa @GovtChiefwhip @GCICUganda @GovUganda @UgandaMediaCent The #Bicycle is a powerful #Political tool... let's embrace it more, make it safe, build infrastructure dedicated to #MoreCycling #SustainableMobility #CyclingTheChange